Thursday, May 19, 2011

Your Perfect Plan for this Summer

Yzunchho Limbu,
Lalitpur, May 08.

How do I spend my time this summer?The question arises in every one's thought this very season. As the bright sun takes the show, people are seen beating the heat with all sorts of activities they like to do.
Abhash Khadka doesn't seem to mind the heat as long as he is in his best light shirt, cool shorts and sneakers for an hour or so doing some b- boying, popping locking and break dancing in regard to create videos under some summer themes. "Me and my friends are making videos of ourselves dancing and turning them into creative themes related to summer. These videos show how much we adore the season despite of the raging heat and giving the idea how we enjoy during this time", says the 16- year- old guy.

"I've planned to drink lots of water this summer so that I do not collapse due to dehydration", laughs out Prabindra Pariyar. He defines summer as a colourful season when the leaves turn green, flowers bloom and even the people in colourful dresses. He says that this season has always been an inviting one and plans to spend the time relaxing at the beach and hanging out with friends. 

A bottle of juice, junk food and a movie ticket for an evening thriller show. What could be more fun than that during summer? This is what Rachel Limbu thinks. In contrast with her views, Amrita Limbu says, "Rather than that, an evening in an amusement park would be more fun in summer". Similarly, Shyam Magar, too, likes to stroll in the park during summer evening.

Every summer shows the typical kind of lifestyle. Although the summer in Nepal this year has been drenched with the rainfall and sudden change in the season, people are not deprived from doing what they have been doing during a normal summer season. Despite the rumors about the acid rainfall due to to Japan's tsunami struck and nuclear power plant's leakage, people do not mind going for a dip in the swimming pool.

Namdung Rai says, "The rumor about the acid rainfall may be true or false but the main concern is that there is no summer without swimming. It's a must and has been thoroughly enjoyed. I'm going for a swim, come what may!"

Summer takes all the credit being a simple reason for the people to dive in the pool, wear light and short dresses, hangouts or filling up their bellies with lots of ice creams. Planning on it gives more fun. So, what do you think of doing this summer?


  1. seems to be fine grammatically. there is a difference between a plan for summer and the perfect plan for summer. go through your article and see if you can find what i am trying to say.

  2. tats not me rite ... i'l make an about turn from 100 metre away if i see an amusement park .. just kidding

    For me seems like a gud start .. wide ranged, light n gives a positive energy .. n no pics allowed in blogs !!! ??? a nice summery pic wud definitely do wonders to ur post ... i think !!
    All the Best !!

  3. i have got a fren who is also a blogger. check hers out. she is also an ex- ua student.

    would amrita's perfect plan be going to an amusement park or would it be fun to go to an amusement park this summer? there is a difference...........

  4. it is a good start no doubt but she can do lots better than this. it is light but could have been made a bit more witty as well. i think yzun veered a little out of the topic.

  5. hey that topic is meant to be a kind of question for tha readers....u kno it's what the journalists do but we can't use such kind of question marks in the headlines so....
    that's not you amrita didi. that's another amrita hehe. i kno u wudn't go for an amusement park. u fear rides lol! n yea pics... m jst a beginner so need som more time to improve. m trying my best.
    thnx for the comment though!

  6. Hi! This is Amiresh. I went through this article and found out quite intriguing plans shared by few folks within this article. Well, summer is a definite fun for any youths across the world. It brings the freshness and stimulates one's desire. The feeling of being out in the summer thrills me. Like every youth, I too do have a plan this summer. I wanna go for a long long ride with someone special. I apologize as I can't reveal her name on this blog. But anyways, a bike drive on a long journey is a bliss nonetheless. With that, this summer will definitely be the unforgettable one. I insist all the couple out there to go for a long bike ride with their beau/better half on this summer to spend it like never before.


  7. write some creative articles and post it at as well as try you get paid for articles and work. Also, you seem to have good ideas about articles so is a definitely good spot for ya.

  8. hey thnx for tha comment n gud luck wit your plan!!!!

  9. thanx adit for your suggestions. i will try them out for sure....this blog is officially for the BA 2nd yr stds so i jst tried out posting for good. All thanx to my teacher for this. n well, thanx to all the readers who appreciated our blog... we are on process to become a more practical media students. hehe

  10. good job bhukunz... kheman dai...

  11. hey nice view ane glad i can read my name as well

  12. thanx kheman bro....

    ya u can after all prabindra when u replied to my questions. thnx to u too

  13. hey gd ideas sisi. like u gave various ideas from different people.
    gd work kep it up.
    muwha <3

  14. if its from colg i bet u ppl can buy domain page n make it a blog page.. Its a gud idea. blogspot can make it hardr if u try to integrate ggl adsense but nevrmind if u r not into marketing n also blogging is all abt going trend n interesting topics to get ppl interestd. Best of luck!!

  15. Nice neptii!! I wanted to see how you wrote these days. Nice to finally read it. Keep up the good work pal!
    Oh and by the way, i dislike summer though i prefer a little sunshine on a beach. Not much of a plan but it's all i got. Call me a snow girl lol

  16. good start bhukuns... can go much better
