Monday, June 20, 2011

Instrumental and Music Fanatics

Yzunchho Limbu,

Music coming through the instrumental sounds carries the pure art.
Rajesh Sherpa, 19, so called master of strings at his school, can astonish anyone who sees him playing guitar. He started his musical journey at the age of 10 and seems to have well grasped every detail taught by his music teacher. With understanding parents and supportive teachers, he was able to understand and expose himself to the fullest for his level. But unlike him, so many youngsters, though acquainted with the same feeling and enthusiasm for music are deprived of the platforms to show their talents.

Bishow Rai, a student of Universal College, goes crazy when it comes to drums. “When all my friends started guitar lessons, my teacher suggested me into drums. Yet, I really fell for it as I began grasping the beats.  If he hadn't performed in the farewell program, he says, he wouldn’t have known how well his interest matched to those beating of drums.

Bibek Limbu is a madal expert, so is Saugat Sherchan. Both started taking music classes from their fourth standard and today they can well play this instrument in an entertaining way. “We started learning together, yet, Bibek, has taken part in many programs than me as I left for another school”, says Saugat. However, he too gets chance to perform during cultural functions at his village.

Surekchhya Kunwar is like any other 16- year- old teenager except for her deep love and passion towards her keyboard. Her father is a parson in the church. “I have performed along with our Christian Community bands and as well as solo. I am more inspired by the encouragements from my parents and audiences”, says Surekchhya.

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